0.2 - Building Trunks
This page give some information about the layout of Apache DS 2.0 trunks, and try to explain how it is built.
Project Hierarchy
The server is a composition of many projects, which should be built in a given order, assuming you want to build the trunk. This order is enforced by a top level pom, so you don’t need to take care of this at all.
We will expose the projects hierarchy, just for information.
Project project
We first have a meta-project, which contains mainly information about the maven plugins we use. This meta-project is used by all the real projects. This project has one single module :
- project
Checkstyle-Configuration project
This project is used to define the checkstyle configuration we use when we generate the reports.
It has one single module :
- checkstyle-configuration
Dependencies : project
Junit-Addons project
This project is used to add concurrent tests in the server. It’s a fork of [Mycila](ref needed).
It has one single module :
- junit-addons
Dependencies : project
Apache Directory LDAP API project (formerly known as “Shared”)
This project contains all the common LDAP structures that are used by ApacheDS, Apache Studio and the Apache LDAP API. In fact, this is the Apache LDAP API (even if we do have slightly more than necessary for an LDAP API).
This project depends on ‘project’.
Here is its hierarchy :
- api-parent
- api-i18n
- api-util
- api-asn1-parent
- api-asn1-api
- api-asn1-ber
- api-ldap-parent
- api-ldap-model
- api-ldap-codec-parent
- api-ldap-codec-core
- api-ldap-net-parent
- api-ldap-net-mina
- api-ldap-codec-standalone
- api-dsml-parent
- api-dsml-parser
- api-ldap-extras-parent
- api-ldap-extras-aci
- api-ldap-schema-parent
- api-ldap-schema-data
- api-ldap-client-parent
- api-ldap-client-api
- api-dsml-engine
- api-ldap-extras-codec-api
- api-ldap-extras-codec
- api-ldap-extras-util
- api-ldap-extras-sp
- api-ldap-extras-trigger
- api-ldap-schema-converter
- api-all
- api-ldap-client-all
- api-integ
- apache-ldap-api
Dependencies : project, junit-addons
JDBM project
This project covers the JDBM code. It’s a fork of the [JDBM 1.0 project](ref needed).
The current project hierarchy is the following :
- apacheds-jdbm-parent
- apacheds-jdbm
- apacheds-jdbm2
Dependencies : project, junit-addons
ApacheDS project
This project is the server itself. It depends on ‘project’, ‘shared’ and ‘jdbm’.
The current project hierarchy is the following (as of 2.0.0-M9-SNAPSHOT) :
- apacheds-parent
- apacheds-i18n
- apacheds-core-constants
- apacheds-core-api
- apacheds-core-shared
- apacheds-interceptors
- apacheds-interceptors-admin
- apacheds-interceptors-authn
- apacheds-interceptors-authz
- apacheds-interceptors-changelog
- apacheds-interceptors-collective
- apacheds-interceptors-event
- apacheds-interceptors-exception
- apacheds-interceptors-journal
- apacheds-interceptors-normalization
- apacheds-interceptors-operational
- apacheds-interceptors-referral
- apacheds-interceptors-schema
- apacheds-interceptors-subtree
- apacheds-interceptors-triggers
- apacheds-core
- apacheds-core-avl
- apacheds-xdbm-partition
- apacheds-ldif-partition
- apacheds-jdbm-partition
- apacheds-core-annotations
- apacheds-core-jndi
- apacheds-protocol-shared
- apacheds-kerberos-codec
- apacheds-interceptor-kerberos
- apacheds-protocol-dhcp
- apacheds-protocol-dns
- apacheds-protocol-kerberos
- apacheds-protocol-ldap
- apacheds-protocol-ntp
- apacheds-server-annotations
- apacheds-server-config
- apacheds-server-jndi
- apacheds-server-replication
- apacheds-test-framework
- apacheds-xdbm-tools
- apacheds-all
- apacheds-interceptors-logger
- apacheds-interceptors-hash
- apacheds-core-integ
- apacheds-server-integ
- apacheds-http-directory-bridge
- apacheds-http-integration
- apacheds-service-builder
- apacheds-kerberos-test
- ldap-client-test
- apacheds-service
- apacheds-wrapper
- apacheds-installers-maven-plugin
- apacheds-installers
Dependencies : project, junit-addons jdbm, shared,
Prerequisites for building
You must have installed Maven 3.0.4 and have a JDK 5 (or a more recent one) installed on your computer. A working internet connection is also mandatory, unless you have all the needed dependences and plugins loaded locally.
For Linux:
MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx256m" mvn clean install
For Windows:
SET MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx256m" mvn clean install
Download and install Maven 3.0.4.
Add a MAVEN_HOME environment variable and add MAVEN_HOME/bin to your system path:
On a Linux box you could add the following to the .bashrc file (.bashrc is a file you’ll find in your home directory)
export MAVEN_HOME=/opt/maven-3.0.4
Windows users, use Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Environment Variables
Any newer version should also work.
Getting the code
To download the sources from trunk, you must have installed a Subversion client.
With readonly access :
svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/directory/apacheds/trunk-with-dependencies apacheds-trunk
With read/write access (for committers only) :
svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/directory/apacheds/trunk-with-dependencies apacheds-trunk
Building the trunks
You may either specify the profile at the command-line, each time you use ‘mvn’, or you may configure the profile to always be active.
To use a profile at the command-line:
# mvn -Papache [options] [<goal(s)>] [<phase(s)>]
Building the trunks
Now, we can compile the projects.
The command is simple :
cd apacheds-trunk
mvn clean install
A lot of plugins will be downloaded. If you are curious, you can then look at .m2/repository to see what has been downloaded on this step. Building should finish with these lines:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 8 minutes 30 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Mon Oct 30 23:32:41 CET 2006
[INFO] Final Memory: 18M/32M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
mvn install -Dintegration
Running the server without building installers
The server can be run without building any installers. This is helpful during development (and also can be run for regular purpose as well)
cd apacheds-trunk/apacheds/service
To start the server in remote debug mode pass -debug flag. The JDWP socket will be listening on port 8008.
Building the installers
Building the installers is a two phase process :
cd apacheds-trunk
mvn -Pinstallers install
That’s it, the jars will be find in target/images/apacheds-2.0.0-M?-SNAPSHOT-
Starting the server without installation
The directory apacheds-trunk/installers/apacheds-noarch contains a script for Linux (apacheds.sh) and one for Windows (apacheds.bat) which can be used for starting the server without the need to install it first (as non-root-user on Linux and non-Windows-service on Windows).
cd apacheds-trunk/installers/apacheds-noarch
As Apache Studio is an Eclipse plugin/RCP application, we use extensively this IDE. Of course, you can use another IDE.
Building eclipse files
To build the .project and .classpath files for eclipse, type the following commands :
cd apacheds-trunk
mvn eclipse:eclipse
Maven settings
Don’t forget to declare a classpath variable named M2_REPO, pointing to ~/.m2/repository, otherwise many links to existing jars will be broken.
You can declare new variables in Eclipse in Windows -> Preferences… and selecting Java -> Build Path -> Classpath Variables
Eclipse hints
Add an eclipse-apacheDS.sh file in your eclipse root directory, to allow eclipse to get more memory (e.g. 750MB) You may also declare a specific workspace when launching eclipse. I have created a workspace-apacheDS directory in my HOME directory, where all the ApacheDS project is built when I use Eclipse.
<eclipse_root>/eclipse -data $HOME/workspace-apacheDS -vm java -vmargs -Xmx750M
Launch eclipse :
Coding standards
The coding standards including an eclipse code formatting profile is available here