5.4 - Replication
5.4.1 Replication overview
ApacheDS supports both Producer-Consumer and Multi-Producers replication based on the syncrepl specification.
Initial steps
The below initial conditions must be met before configuring the replication in any mode.
Make sure all the servers are up and running
Add the configuration of the partition whose data needs to be replicated. For example if we like to replicate the partition dc=apache,dc=org then make sure to configure this partition in all the servers that are configured to replicate. See Adding Partition
Configuring Producer-Consumer replication
Assuming that the Producer is running on localhost at port 10389 and consumer on localhost at port 11997 and we want to replicate the data from partition dc=apache,dc=org
The below configuration must be added in the Consumer server and it should be restarted.
dn: ads-replConsumerId=consumer1,ou=replConsumers,ads-serverId=ldapServer,ou=servers,ads-directoryServiceId=default,ou=config
ads-replconsumerid: consumer1
ads-replstrictcertvalidation: FALSE
ads-replusetls: FALSE
ads-replsearchtimeout: 0
ads-replsearchfilter: (objectClass=*)
ads-replsearchsizelimit: 0
ads-replattributes: *
ads-replrefreshinterval: 60000
ads-repluserpassword: secret
ads-repluserdn: uid=admin,ou=system
ads-replprovport: 10389
ads-replprovhostname: localhost
ads-replrefreshnpersist: TRUE
ads-replsearchscope: sub
ads-searchbasedn: dc=apache,dc=org
ads-enabled: TRUE
objectclass: ads-replConsumer
objectclass: ads-base
objectclass: top
ads-replaliasderefmode: never