Apache Directory Studio Version 2.0.0-M17 (July 24th 2021)
- DIRSTUDIO-761 - GSSAPI Authentication fails when using ADS LDAP Client API
- DIRSTUDIO-1219 - Directory Studio doesn’t StartTLS before authenticating
- DIRSTUDIO-1220 - Directory Studio doesn’t use the SASL confidentiality layer after negotiating its use
- DIRSTUDIO-1265 - Object is not removed from cache when it’s deleted
- DIRSTUDIO-1267 - Cannot create an entry with mandatory binary attribute
- DIRSTUDIO-1269 - SOCKS proxy is not working
- DIRSTUDIO-1271 - Oracle OUD does not list any Naming Contexts in ldapbrowser with M16, previous releases are OK.
- DIRSTUDIO-1273 - Search Logs/Modification Logs not showing up in MacOS
- DIRSTUDIO-1275 - I updated on my mac to m16. Now only the proxy servers show the directory tree.
- DIRSTUDIO-1276 - Illegal reflective access by
- DIRSTUDIO-1279 - Show SSL/TLS connection info and certificates
- DIRSTUDIO-1274 - Rework integration tests
- DIRSTUDIO-1189 - dom4j illegal reflective access with Java 11
- DIRSTUDIO-1272 - Remove Network Connections preferences page (socks proxy settings)
Apache Directory Studio Version 2.0.0-M16 (February 21th 2021)
- DIRSTUDIO-656 - Export to LDIF leaves out entries when large number of entries exist
- DIRSTUDIO-744 - The strategy used when deleting the last attribute value causes issues in the case when ACLs/ACIs hide and forbid access to other values
- DIRSTUDIO-745 - Quick search icon not showing
- DIRSTUDIO-837 - Quicksearch hinders switching between connections
- DIRSTUDIO-947 - Text Editor section is not available in preferences.
- DIRSTUDIO-1119 - Group (cn) with over 1000 members crashes
- DIRSTUDIO-1125 - Accessibility issues
- DIRSTUDIO-1135 - ACI Source is corrupted on 2nd edit
- DIRSTUDIO-1167 - Quick Search does not switch target host when changing connections
- DIRSTUDIO-1216 - Operational attribute “structuralObjectClass” cannot be displayed in entry editor if value contains underscore
- DIRSTUDIO-1250 - Paged Search (e.g. for Active Directory DC’s) will not work in new version
- DIRSTUDIO-1251 - In error log after ldif import there is no detail about the error
- DIRSTUDIO-1252 - Incorrect text color for Table Entry Editor view
- DIRSTUDIO-1256 - Unable to export large numbers of entries with paged search
- DIRSTUDIO-1257 - Studio will not run on Catalina
- DIRSTUDIO-1260 - Fails to start on MacOS Big Sur
- DIRSTUDIO-1263 - export to csv or excel doesn’t honor paging settings
- DIRSTUDIO-1264 - Apache Studio can not be run on MacOS 11.2 (Big Sur)
- DIRSTUDIO-345 - Studio startup could configure suitable version of Java
- DIRSTUDIO-854 - Updated OID mappings
- DIRSTUDIO-1206 - Directory Studio doesn’t support themes
- DIRSTUDIO-1258 - Can not change theme on MacOS (Big Sur)
- DIRSTUDIO-1262 - Update to Eclipse 2020-12 and Java 11
Apache Directory Studio Version 2.0.0-M15 (April 19th 2020)
- DIRSTUDIO-1160 - Attributes silently dropped and not imported when import LDIF and provider is Apache Directory LDAP API
- DIRSTUDIO-1194 - build looks outside of repo (extra “..”)
- DIRSTUDIO-1195 - LDIF editor, entry editor, search result edtor fail to open with ClassCastException
- DIRSTUDIO-1197 - Connection Network check fails when using the LDAP API
- DIRSTUDIO-1199 - 2.0.0-M14 doesn’t display objectGUID / objectSid correctly
- DIRSTUDIO-1200 - LDIF export fails with “Comparison method violates its general contract!”
- DIRSTUDIO-1202 - Eclipse - No perspective to switch to.
- DIRSTUDIO-1203 - testConnectFailures fails
- DIRSTUDIO-1204 - ImageDialog can’t read binary data
- DIRSTUDIO-1205 - Which platforms does Studio work with TLS?
- DIRSTUDIO-1210 - mixed up documentation bug, in replication section of studio docs
- DIRSTUDIO-1211 - UserCertificate attribute shown as Invalid Certificate if “Apache… Client API” is used
- DIRSTUDIO-1215 - Getting invalid certificate for binary certificate field
- DIRSTUDIO-1217 - Viewing entries broken with newer Eclipse versions
- DIRSTUDIO-1231 - linux eclipse swt ClassCastException LDAPBrowser TableEditor
- DIRSTUDIO-1233 - NullPointerException within class
- DIRSTUDIO-1234 - Image Editor (still) does not work correctly
- DIRSTUDIO-1240 - Directory Studio displays “Invalid Certificate” after userCertificate upload
- DIRSTUDIO-1243 - Certificate Parsing Fails under Java 11
- DIRSTUDIO-1246 - Attribute export is different in version M13 and M14
- DIRSTUDIO-1247 - Fix high memory usage in clipboard code
- DIRSTUDIO-1249 - UTF-8 encoding problem
New Features
- DIRSTUDIO-648 - Studio should support the Password Modify Extended Operation according to RFC 3062
- DIRSTUDIO-1124 - Fix the user guide that still show how to configure ApacheDS 1.5.x…
- DIRSTUDIO-1150 - Add a configation option for the connection timeout
- DIRSTUDIO-1207 - Remove JNDI provider and JNDI layer
- DIRSTUDIO-1213 - Support OSX Dark Mode
- DIRSTUDIO-1236 - refers to outdated “Mac OS X”, which is now “macOS”
- DIRSTUDIO-1222 - Update to Eclipse 2020-03
- DIRSTUDIO-1165 - Table Entry Editor - missing options following documentation
- DIRSTUDIO-1201 - How does checking the “read-only” flag change the connection/authentication bind?
- DIRSTUDIO-1227 - mvn clean install command throwing NPE
Apache Directory Studio Version 2.0.0-M14 (September 8th 2018)
- DIRSTUDIO-987 - strange behaviour with multi-valued RDN
- DIRSTUDIO-1057 - Update site doesn’t work with https
- DIRSTUDIO-1140 - Apple Sierra shows corrupted app when launching Studio
- DIRSTUDIO-1148 - IOConsole Updater - An internal error has occurred.Java heap space
- DIRSTUDIO-1151 - DN with backslash not displayed
- DIRSTUDIO-1157 - Values cannot be modified by text editor
- DIRSTUDIO-1163 - Apache Directory Studio not starting on my MacBookPro running MacOS 10.13
- DIRSTUDIO-1166 - Studio crashes frequently Ever since MacOS High Sierra upgrade
- DIRSTUDIO-1172 - Studio doesn’t display entries due to Invalid DN exception, but DN is compliant with RFC4514.
- DIRSTUDIO-1174 - Directory Studio startup very slow due to schema LDIF processing
- DIRSTUDIO-1179 - Invalid secret key format after Java update
- DIRSTUDIO-1180 - Value changed by Text Editor doesn’t save
- DIRSTUDIO-1184 - ClassDef not found for @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy for JDK >=9
- DIRSTUDIO-1185 - OS reported defective Software and needs to be deleted
- DIRSTUDIO-1191 - Apache Directory Studio (Version: 2.0.0.v20170904-M13) suddenly crashes while browsing in MacOS (10.13.6)
- DIRSTUDIO-1156 - Text Editor usability improvements
- DIRSTUDIO-1175 - Description for - missing
- DIRSTUDIO-1176 - Sign dmg in MacOS release
- DIRSTUDIO-1177 - Enhance default editor mappings for eDirectory/Identity Manager
- DIRSTUDIO-1186 - Make Studio Java 11 ready
- DIRSTUDIO-1187 - Disable JNDI connection provider for Java 9+
- DIRSTUDIO-1192 - Change update site to use https
- DIRSTUDIO-1193 - Cleanup documenation
Apache Directory Studio Version 2.0.0-M13 (September 4th 2017)
- DIRSTUDIO-1120 - Checkbox active protocols
- DIRSTUDIO-1127 - Configuration of Kerberos and ChangePassword port is not working
- DIRSTUDIO-1129 - Referrals do not work in v2
- DIRSTUDIO-1130 - Password from Keystore not used
- DIRSTUDIO-1133 - Potential NPE issue
- DIRSTUDIO-1134 - Boolean Attribute Addition with no value causes Directory Studio crash on Mac
- DIRSTUDIO-1140 - Apple Sierra shows corrupted app when launching Studio
- DIRSTUDIO-1143 - Stack trace when saving configuration
- DIRSTUDIO-1147 - bad links studio welcome overview page
- DIRSTUDIO-1131 - Update for
- DIRSTUDIO-1144 - Upgrade to Eclipse Neon.3
Apache Directory Studio Version 2.0.0-M12 (November 1st 2016)
- DIRSTUDIO-738 - Modular Crypt Format Salts are incorrectly displayed
- DIRSTUDIO-919 - Invalid thread access when saving an new ApacheDS 2.0 configuration file
- DIRSTUDIO-1026 - Searching for an AT or an OC using an alternate name does not find it
- DIRSTUDIO-1050 - High CPU load when opening attribute editor with Eclipse Mars
- DIRSTUDIO-1075 - ADS does not work with Oracle JRE 9
- DIRSTUDIO-1080 - Unable to save Server-Configuration: ERR_55 Trying to remove an non-existant attribute: attributetype
- DIRSTUDIO-1081 - Unable to save any configuration with apacheDS 2.0 and apache studio 2.0 M10
- DIRSTUDIO-1082 - ‘Save configuration’ encountered a problem
- DIRSTUDIO-1083 - Unable to save Configuration
- DIRSTUDIO-1085 - “Show Default Schema” doesn’t seem to do anything
- DIRSTUDIO-1090 - Sorting by value not being applied
- DIRSTUDIO-1091 - Apache DS M10 hangs at 14% when connectiing on Windows 10
- DIRSTUDIO-1095 - Preferences : Connections : Certificates => java.lang.NullPointer
- DIRSTUDIO-1098 - Refresh of entry causes: “Unhandled event loop exception”
- DIRSTUDIO-1100 - Race condition.
- DIRSTUDIO-1101 - Can’t disable “Allow Anonymous Access”
- DIRSTUDIO-1108 - Getting Invalid Certificate for userCertificate;binary entry when connecting with LDAPS, LDAP works fine
- DIRSTUDIO-1111 - Unable to connect to LDS connected to Active Directory over SSL
- DIRSTUDIO-1112 - NullPointerException when clicking a certificate on the Certificate Validation preference page
- DIRSTUDIO-1114 - Bad encoding used in text editor for binary data
- DIRSTUDIO-1115 - Value editor settings are not used and the menu displays wrong entries
- DIRSTUDIO-1116 - Attribute not sorted alphabetically for multiple entries
- DIRSTUDIO-1121 - Performance penalty as editor input is always set twice
- DIRSTUDIO-1118 - Add menu item to repair ApacheDS partitions
- DIRSTUDIO-1093 - Upgrade to Eclipse Mars.2
- DIRSTUDIO-1022 - Installers
Apache Directory Studio Version 2.0.0-M11 (not released)
Apache Directory Studio Version 2.0.0-M10 (January 2th 2016)
- CVE-2015-5349 - Command Injection through LDAP CSV export
- DIRSTUDIO-1060 - Exported OpenLDAP schema has syntax errors
- DIRSTUDIO-1061 - RawSchemaDefinition always shows single hyphen/dash (empty) for attributes or classes
- DIRSTUDIO-1068 - Bundles are not resolved on Eclipse Mars
- DIRSTUDIO-1077 - Logging for embedded ApacheDS servers broken ( is deleted)
- DIRSTUDIO-1079 - Creating a new entry using an existing one fails because teh entryCSN at is being copied
- DIRSTUDIO-1065 - Have a better error message when the java version is wrong
Apache Directory Studio Version 2.0.0-M9 (June 6th 2015)
- DIRSTUDIO-815 - Tiny translation error [DE]
- DIRSTUDIO-819 - Cannot open entries with DNs with UTF8 characters (Active Directory)
- DIRSTUDIO-836 - Search for attributes with underscore “_” in attribute name eg. attr_name is not possible
- DIRSTUDIO-855 - Some logical site artifact paths do not exist in site.xml / Apache Directory Studio 2.X Update Site / Nexus P2 Update Site Proxy
- DIRSTUDIO-860 - Apache Directory Studio Update Site ZIP Archive not installable in Eclipse Indigo
- DIRSTUDIO-903 - Clicking “Accept” when no changes have been made on the password edit dialog changes the password
- DIRSTUDIO-922 - Eclipse plugin for version 2.0.0-M7 not installing correctly
- DIRSTUDIO-932 - NPE while importing an ApacheDS 2.0 configuration from within the editor
- DIRSTUDIO-934 - Exporting the configuration from the ApacheDS 2.0 Configuration Editor should not change the input
- DIRSTUDIO-938 - LDAP Browser shows non ascii symbols as escaped
- DIRSTUDIO-948 - Sorting search results does not work with over 1000 results
- DIRSTUDIO-950 - Add support for PKCS5S2 hashing mechanism in Password Dialog
- DIRSTUDIO-955 - Quick search one/subtree scope button is not sticky/always defaults to “one” when starting DS
- DIRSTUDIO-958 - Exporting schemas as OpenLDAP files outputs entries in random order
- DIRSTUDIO-959 - Exporting schemas as OpenLDAP files does not use proper escaping
- DIRSTUDIO-961 - Crash during loading after recent uplate of libraries on Ubuntu
- DIRSTUDIO-962 - Crash at startup : gtk_widget_get_tooltip_text
- DIRSTUDIO-963 - Why UTF-8 is escaped in DN strings since 2.0.0?
- DIRSTUDIO-964 - Fonts look ugly on Mac with Retina Display
- DIRSTUDIO-965 - SIGSEGV on Startup
- DIRSTUDIO-966 - NullPointerException after expanding LDAP tree and “Error notifying a preference change listener” in “attr/val quick filter”
- DIRSTUDIO-967 - Timeout occurs during LDAP search
- DIRSTUDIO-970 - gui quit whithout any prompt
- DIRSTUDIO-979 - Crash with port already in use issues
- DIRSTUDIO-983 - Package org.eclipse.update has been removed in Eclipse 4.2
- DIRSTUDIO-988 - Studio plugins don’t work in Eclipse Luna
- DIRSTUDIO-993 - Directory studio stops after a few commands issued
- DIRSTUDIO-999 - Fails to start after upgrade to CentOS 6.6/cairo 1.8.8-3.1
- DIRSTUDIO-1000 - LDAP perspective not opening on STS 3.6.2
- DIRSTUDIO-1001 - Unable to install in Luna
- DIRSTUDIO-1012 - Wrong USAGE for 9 passwordPolicy attributes
- DIRSTUDIO-1014 - Cannot remove the ‘finished operations’ in the progress pane
- DIRSTUDIO-1018 - Adding a new LDIF file directly fails with an error “can’t find IDfind.ext”
- DIRSTUDIO-1020 - Fail to launch
- DIRSTUDIO-1038 - Dispose the various* objects we use
- DIRSTUDIO-1039 - SWTBot test suite hangs on opening connection
- DIRSTUDIO-1040 - Job found still running after platform shutdown
- DIRSTUDIO-1042 - Fix logging system
- DIRSTUDIO-1043 - First open of LDIF editor fails
- DIRSTUDIO-1045 - New Connection problem - ERR_04269 ATTRIBUTE_TYPE for OID ads-basedn does not exist
- DIRSTUDIO-1047 - No BrowserViewUniversalListener.connectionOpened null checks
- DIRSTUDIO-425 - Please provide the eclipse update site as zipfile
- DIRSTUDIO-937 - No password confirmation while changing it
- DIRSTUDIO-940 - Have schema editor populate creatorsName attribute for new objects (needed by ApacheDS)
- DIRSTUDIO-941 - Friendly name for attribute syntax not shown when creating new attribute
- DIRSTUDIO-942 - Description for OID missing
- DIRSTUDIO-980 - Make the new schema element visible withoit needing to click refresh in an obscure popup…
- DIRSTUDIO-985 - member;Range
- DIRSTUDIO-1003 - The “Open Configuration” function is broken and doesn’t work
- DIRSTUDIO-1041 - Headless run of SWTBot tests
New Feature
- DIRSTUDIO-756 - Provide a P2 repository
- DIRSTUDIO-949 - Add the ability to configure a Mavibot partition
- DIRSTUDIO-646 - Exclude “.gitignore” from source distribution
- DIRSTUDIO-995 - Migrate build system to use Tycho
- DIRSTUDIO-1005 - Cleanup ApacheDS plugins
- DIRSTUDIO-1006 - Fix ODF export
- DIRSTUDIO-1007 - Replace org.eclipse.update.*
- DIRSTUDIO-1009 - Check legal files
- DIRSTUDIO-1010 - Hide unwanted UI items contributed by org.eclipse.* plugins
- DIRSTUDIO-1016 - Adapt ApacheDS plugins to new configuration scheme
- DIRSTUDIO-1051 - Update developer documentation
- DIRSTUDIO-1021 - Enable tests
- DIRSTUDIO-1023 - Generate P2 repository / update site
- DIRSTUDIO-1024 - Define release process
- DIRSTUDIO-1025 - Cleanup after Tycho Migration
Apache Directory Studio Version 2.0.0-M8 (July 4th 2013)
DIRSTUDIO-788 - Date and Time editor incorrect time format for eDirectory
DIRSTUDIO-792 - Batch operation Next button inactive
DIRSTUDIO-868 - Do not send an unbind request if the authentication fails
DIRSTUDIO-911 - Object classes not visible within Schema View of OS X
DIRSTUDIO-912 - No connection pre-selected when DIT, Searches or Bookmarks is selected in the LDAP Brower view and the wizard is accessed via ‘File’ > ‘Import’ menu
DIRSTUDIO-917 - Exporting for ApacheDS an AT with a not-set syntax length results in ’m-length: 0’ output in the resulting LDIF file
DIRSTUDIO-918 - Wrong error message in Import LDIF wizard when no connection is selected
DIRSTUDIO-919 - Invalid thread access when saving an new ApacheDS 2.0 configuration file
DIRSTUDIO-921 - Schema Pane does not refresh when creating a new object class
DIRSTUDIO-927 - The “options… Advanced Options Configuration” link on the “Overview” age does not work
DIRSTUDIO-930 - ERR_04269 ads_pwdvalidator does not exist
DIRSTUDIO-931 - ERR_04269 ATTRIBUTE_TYPE for OID ads-pwdvalidator does not exist! Improvement
DIRSTUDIO-890 - Add support for SSHA2 in Password Editor
DIRSTUDIO-929 - Improve Hex Value Editor to allow text edition
- DIRSTUDIO-925 - Add new mandatory and optional attributes introduced for the ‘ads-delegatingAuthenticator’ object class
Apache Directory Studio Version 2.0.0-M7 (May 17th 2013)
- DIRSTUDIO-865 - NullPointerException thrown when connecting to Domino 8.5.2FP3 LDAP
- DIRSTUDIO-888 - Improve editing of boolean values to allow lowercased values and shortcuts
- DIRSTUDIO-891 - A schema project containing a reference to a deleted connection makes the perspective completely unusable
- DIRSTUDIO-892 - Unable to import ApacheDS core schemas
- DIRSTUDIO-893 - ConcurrentModificationException thrown while deleting multiple schema elements
- DIRSTUDIO-899 - Unable to install Studio using the update site: “Missing requirement: ApacheDS Core 2.0.0.M11”
- DIRSTUDIO-902 - Unusable configuration of the HashingPasswordInterceptor with recent milestone of ApacheDS 2.0
- DIRSTUDIO-904 - Directory Studio create files with french “accents”
- DIRSTUDIO-905 - IOException (Document is closed) thrown when quitting Apache Directory Studio with an LDAP Server running
- DIRSTUDIO-907 - ERR_04269 ATTRIBUTE_TYPE for OID ads-replpingersleep does not exist!
- DIRSTUDIO-916 - Can not open configuration for fresh installed ApacheDS and Studio
- DIRSTUDIO-857 - Add support for PasswordPolicy configuration
- DIRSTUDIO-884 - Add new MessageDigest algorithm for passwords
- DIRSTUDIO-895 - Add a ‘Show password’ checkbox to the CredentialsDialog used to ask the connection’s password when it’s not saved
- DIRSTUDIO-897 - Active Directory attribute type ’lockoutTime’ should be linked with the ‘MS AD Date and Time Editor’
- DIRSTUDIO-898 - Add case-insensitive support for the attribute types aliases in the ‘Value Editors’ preferences page
New Feature
- DIRSTUDIO-901 - Add the ability to store connection passwords in a password-protected keystore
Apache Directory Studio 2.0.0-M6 (March 8th 2013)
- DIRSTUDIO-861 - Errors with DNs containing non-ASCII values on Active Directory
- DIRSTUDIO-873 - Kerberos encryption types are not saved correctly
- DIRSTUDIO-876 - Integer Editor should focus on the value text field upon opening
- DIRSTUDIO-878 - Generation of the user guides as PDF and standalone HTML is broken
- DIRSTUDIO-879 - Flags for an attribute type in the Schema Browser are not correctly rendered on OS X
- DIRSTUDIO-889 - Error “Changes could not be saved to the connection” when saving server configuration on stock server and studio
- DIRSTUDIO-872 - The list of possible Kerberos encryption type should be available
- DIRSTUDIO-874 - Remove all ApacheDS and Apache Mina libraries plugins from trunk in ‘/libraries’
- DIRSTUDIO-877 - Update ApacheDS schema files to the latest version
- DIRSTUDIO-867 - References of old projects and packages name ‘’ still present in the code
Apache Directory Studio 2.0.0-M5 (January 31th 2013)
- DIRSTUDIO-867 - References of old projects and packages name ‘’ still present in the code
Apache Directory Studio 2.0.0-M4 (January 25th 2013)
- DIRSTUDIO-775 - Display issues in Image Editor
- DIRSTUDIO-795 - Unable to delete multiple schema elements (attribute type, object class or schema)
- DIRSTUDIO-796 - Unable to open multiple schema elements (attribute type, object class or schema)
- DIRSTUDIO-799 - Unable to move object with Apache LDAP API
- DIRSTUDIO-802 - Confusion between ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8 in the Encode/Decode dialog
- DIRSTUDIO-808 - “Update existing entries” checkbox in “LDIF Import” wizard fails to work with the Apache Directory LDAP API
- DIRSTUDIO-810 - Fullscreen plugin is /not/ under the Apache license
- DIRSTUDIO-812 - Error while performing search
- DIRSTUDIO-822 - Typo in one of the default indexed attributes when creating a new partition in the ApacheDS Configuration Editor v2
- DIRSTUDIO-823 - Integer Value Editor only selects values of Java Integer magnitude
- DIRSTUDIO-827 - Quick Search is not displayed when folding is activated
- DIRSTUDIO-829 - NPE when trying to add a ‘subtreeSpecification’ value
- DIRSTUDIO-833 - NPE in ACI Item Editor when adding AttributeType permission
- DIRSTUDIO-834 - Unable to edit subtreeSpecification
- DIRSTUDIO-835 - Display issues in the Password Editor on OS X
- DIRSTUDIO-840 - Help system is not working
- DIRSTUDIO-850 - The “Remove” button for mandatory ATs in the OC Editor does nothing
- DIRSTUDIO-858 - The Entry Editor’s Outline view should be unavailable when the selection isn’t an entry or a bookmark
- DIRSTUDIO-864 - Error message appears: “ERR_04269 ATTRIBUTE_TYPE for OID ads-replenabled does not exist!” when trying to open configuration
- DIRSTUDIO-657 - Add options to output the resulting LDIF of a batch operation to a file or to the clipboard
- DIRSTUDIO-793 - Batch Operation define modification slowdown, needs scrollbar
- DIRSTUDIO-797 - Two different ‘HistoryUtils’ classes should be merged into a single one in ‘common.ui’ plugin
- DIRSTUDIO-809 - Improve the behavior of the “Execute LDIF” action of the LDIF Editor
- DIRSTUDIO-813 - Add default value editors for eDirectory
- DIRSTUDIO-828 - The Quick Search context menu item could reuse the currently selected entry in the Browser view as search base
- DIRSTUDIO-838 - Add support for configuring the context entry of a partition in the ApacheDS 2.0 Configuration Editor
- DIRSTUDIO-841 - When creating a connection from an existing ApacheDS 2.0 server, the “Open Configuration” item is not available
- DIRSTUDIO-851 - Add a hint in the Connection Properties dialog about Certifcate Validation with a link to the corresponding preference page
- DIRSTUDIO-852 - Display issues in the Certificate Validation preference page on OS X
New Feature
- DIRSTUDIO-804 - Interpret Active Directory Timestamps
- DIRSTUDIO-806 - Editing Multiple Directory Objects at once
- DIRSTUDIO-843 - There is no place we can configure the KeyStore to use while configuring an ApacheDS server
- DIRSTUDIO-736 - Implement the “Execute Online” button of the BatchOperationWizard
- DIRSTUDIO-791 - Update supportedControl and supportedExtension descriptions
- DIRSTUDIO-811 - Review and remove any source file under Eclipse Public License (EPL) v 1.0
- DIRSTUDIO-816 - Update OIDs to Descriptions properties file
- DIRSTUDIO-839 - Update Eclipse dependencies to version 3.8.1
Apache Directory Studio 2.0.0-M3 (February 24th 2012)
- DIRSTUDIO-764 - Image Editor does not work correctly
- DIRSTUDIO-765 - Can not export DSML
- DIRSTUDIO-767 - All attribute names are lowercase when using Apache Directory LDAP Client API
- DIRSTUDIO-768 - Error while searching using a filter on a binary attribute
- DIRSTUDIO-769 - Alt-S shortkey does not work in Search Dialog
- DIRSTUDIO-770 - Typos in french translation
- DIRSTUDIO-771 - Searches are not saved when closing Studio 2.0 M1/M2
- DIRSTUDIO-772 - Entry UUID Editor can’t display eDirectory GUID
- DIRSTUDIO-773 - IllegalArgumentException thrown when copying the RootDSE
- DIRSTUDIO-776 - Misleading title for action “Open ‘Search Result’/‘Bookmark’/‘Entry’ in DIT” in LDAP Browser view context menu
- DIRSTUDIO-777 - Renaming entry fails when using Apache Directory LDAP API
- DIRSTUDIO-778 - NullPointerException when refreshing a TableEntryEditor
- DIRSTUDIO-779 - Label for folded attributes in TableEntryEditor is not updated when quick filter is used
- DIRSTUDIO-783 - The ‘Rename Entry’ dialog doesn’t resize automatically when adding or removing RDN parts
- DIRSTUDIO-713 - Improve the ‘Show in’ sub-menu of the TableEntryEditor
- DIRSTUDIO-780 - Allow Apache Directory Studio to be pinned to Windows 7’s taskbar
- DIRSTUDIO-782 - Improve Windows installer with JRE detection and creation of ‘Apache Directory Studio.ini’ file
- DIRSTUDIO-784 - Add the ability to sort searches in the LDAP Browser view
- DIRSTUDIO-785 - Add the ability to sort bookmarks in the LDAP Browser view
- DIRSTUDIO-821 - Where to get the public certificate used to sign the JAR of DS 1.5.3?
Apache Directory Studio 2.0.0-M2 (January 27th 2012)
- DIRSTUDIO-630 - Importing a Schema project twice shouldn’t be possible
- DIRSTUDIO-733 - Error while reading RootDSE on Sun One directory server
- DIRSTUDIO-739 - Using ‘Quick Search’ in the DN editor while editing some object cancels editing and jumps to ‘Quick Search’ in the main window
- DIRSTUDIO-759 - Exit confirmation dialog is showed twice when quitting the application by closing the window on Linux and Windows
- DIRSTUDIO-760 - Unable to bind on an Active Directory server using ‘domain\userid’
- DIRSTUDIO-763 - Typo in some English error messages (‘occured’ instead of ‘occurred’)
Apache Directory Studio 2.0.0-M1 (January 11th 2012)
- DIRSTUDIO-301 - Intermittant ClassCastException from dom4j.DocumentFactory.getInstance()
- DIRSTUDIO-428 - Same Name for attribute type and objectclass
- DIRSTUDIO-454 - Colliding attributeType and objectClass names not supported
- DIRSTUDIO-564 - Update ApacheDS core schema files to the latest version
- DIRSTUDIO-651 - Typo in french translation
- DIRSTUDIO-653 - The ‘Choose’ text for buttons on the AT and OC selection dialog has not been extracted for localization
- DIRSTUDIO-658 - Exiting Directory Studio consumes CPU for couple of minutes
- DIRSTUDIO-659 - Studio prompts for password even when “No Authentication” is selected
- DIRSTUDIO-663 - can’t import openldap schema having an attribute and an objectclass with the same alias
- DIRSTUDIO-673 - Typo in the “check authentication” error message in the french translation
- DIRSTUDIO-696 - ApacheDS Configuration plugin fails to open configuration file version 1.5.5 and 1.5.4 when NTP is enabled
- DIRSTUDIO-698 - KeyDerivation interceptor missing in the ApacheDS Configuration Editor
- DIRSTUDIO-699 - Interceptors order is not read/saved correctly in the ApacheDS Configuration Editor
- DIRSTUDIO-703 - DSML Export fails to export when the size limit is hit
- DIRSTUDIO-704 - NullPointerException creating new online schema editor project
- DIRSTUDIO-708 - NPE when renaming a referral in ‘Automatic’ or ‘Manual’ Referral Handling mode
- DIRSTUDIO-710 - SearchResultEntryDsml not setting attribute name correctly
- DIRSTUDIO-716 - Error while opening connection : NPE
- DIRSTUDIO-724 - Too many events: Outline and Modifications Logs views are refreshed multiple times
- DIRSTUDIO-726 - Added a binary attributes in preference is not stored correctly
- DIRSTUDIO-727 - It is possible to add empty Binary Attributes and Binary Syntax Definitions in the preferences
- DIRSTUDIO-728 - Wrong attribute name in entry editor
- DIRSTUDIO-731 - Editing RDN attribute should open rename dialog
- DIRSTUDIO-734 - Schema error: Alias NAME is already used by another item: object class with OID
- DIRSTUDIO-740 - Potential bug when using String.toLowerCase() method with a Turkish locale
- DIRSTUDIO-742 - Directory Studio will not start if its installation directory is not writeable
- DIRSTUDIO-748 - Entry attribute name not displayed correctly in Table Entry Editor.
- DIRSTUDIO-749 - Syntaxes shouldn’t have/use ’names’ (or ‘aliases’) but ‘description’ instead
- DIRSTUDIO-754 - Some values in the ‘Text Formats’ preference page are not saved between launches
- DIRSTUDIO-413 - Add possibility to make connections read-only
- DIRSTUDIO-432 - Better error message for invalid LDIF records on import
- DIRSTUDIO-445 - Allow the user to rename a schema in the editor
- DIRSTUDIO-446 - Allow the user to rename any item using the F2 shortcut
- DIRSTUDIO-447 - Add the ability to use wildcards (?, *) in the ATs or OCs selection dialog to ease the search
- DIRSTUDIO-649 - The ‘Installed JREs’ preference page should mention Apache DS plugin and not Java projects
- DIRSTUDIO-655 - Switch usage of SWT MessageBox to JFace MessageDialog for info, warning and error dialogs
- DIRSTUDIO-685 - Move duplicated ‘ViewFormWidget’ class to the ‘common.ui’ plugin
- DIRSTUDIO-717 - Add application for Windows 64 Bit
- DIRSTUDIO-722 - LDIF parser should allow attribute names with underscore ("_")
- DIRSTUDIO-746 - Add support for the Full Screen feature of OS X Lion
- DIRSTUDIO-752 - Improve fault tolerance when reading an online schema from a connection
New Feature
- DIRSTUDIO-112 - Export schema
- DIRSTUDIO-320 - Studio exits without showing a confirmation dialog
- DIRSTUDIO-692 - User should be able to supress the version line in exported LDIF files
- DIRSTUDIO-694 - Add ability to export certificates in the ‘Certificate Validation’ preference page
- DIRSTUDIO-712 - Add a ‘Go to DN…’ action to the Navigate menu in Eclipse
- DIRSTUDIO-755 - Implement the ‘Add…’ button in the ‘Certificate Validation’ preference page
- DIRSTUDIO-683 - Add a generic way to run Eclipse Jobs and Studio runnables in the ‘common.core’ plugin and extend this in other plugins
- DIRSTUDIO-684 - Convert remaining Eclipse Jobs in LDAP Browser to Studio runnable API
- DIRSTUDIO-688 - Remove the ‘jars’ plugins and create one specific plugin per external library dependency
- DIRSTUDIO-697 - Add support for ApacheDS 1.5.7 ‘server.xml’ configuration file
- DIRSTUDIO-718 - Update Eclipse dependencies to version 3.6.1
- DIRSTUDIO-737 - Update Eclipse dependencies to version 3.7.0
- DIRSTUDIO-751 - Update Eclipse dependencies to version 3.7.1
- DIRSTUDIO-757 - Update all features with the new ’library’ plugins
Apache Directory Studio 1.5.3 (March 30th 2010)
- DIRSTUDIO-424 - Canceling a search gives an error sometimes
- DIRSTUDIO-585 - Do not modify the current thread’s ClassLoader; or reset it afterwards
- DIRSTUDIO-608 - Non-translated string in the French version of the “Export Connections” wizard
- DIRSTUDIO-609 - Studio “hangs” when performing large search that is to be displayed
- DIRSTUDIO-610 - Unable to export to “My Documents”
- DIRSTUDIO-611 - Unable to add a third party Entry Editor
- DIRSTUDIO-613 - Certificate with empty common name (cn) appears almost hidden in the preference page table view
- DIRSTUDIO-614 - The ‘Installed JREs’ preference page is no longer displayed in Apache Directory Studio’s preferences
- DIRSTUDIO-615 - Various typos in the french translation
- DIRSTUDIO-616 - Entry Editor Manager does not ensure that the entry’s attributes are initialized (loaded) before testing and opening editors
- DIRSTUDIO-617 - Tabular and LDIF Entry Single-Tab Editors should warn the user when modifications are pending (auto-save disabled) and their input is changed
- DIRSTUDIO-623 - NPE in the ModificationLogsViewUniversalListener under rare circumstances when selecting a connection
- DIRSTUDIO-624 - NPE in the under rare circumstances when selecting a connection
- DIRSTUDIO-627 - Can’t open a relatively big LDIF file
- DIRSTUDIO-629 - Entry editor tab is activated when executing a search
- DIRSTUDIO-629 - Endless event loop
- DIRSTUDIO-637 - copy/paste of attributes no longer works
- DIRSTUDIO-639 - Exception when navigation history contains bookmarks of an deleted connection
- DIRSTUDIO-642 - ADS does not remember the certificate if two certificates are used for the same server
- DIRSTUDIO-643 - Missing modules when importing into Eclipse as existing project
- DIRSTUDIO-612 - The ‘Properties’ item in the context menu of the default Entry Editor should be enabled and linked to the entry properties when no particular attribute is selected in the table
- DIRSTUDIO-618 - The icon of the entry in the ‘Outline’ view for the LDIF Entry Editor should be the same as the one in the ‘LDAP Browser’ view
- DIRSTUDIO-619 - Outline view for the LDIF Entry Editor should display by default the nodes underneath the entry
- DIRSTUDIO-625 - Add Connection Context in the LDAP Browser Window
- DIRSTUDIO-633 - Delete all searches context menu
- DIRSTUDIO-634 - Add search context menu entry / simplify search
- DIRSTUDIO-638 - Improve the way we ask for operational attributes
- DIRSTUDIO-635 - Update Eclipse dependencies to version 3.5.2
- DIRSTUDIO-636 - Update copyright in spash screen to 2010
- DIRSTUDIO-640 - Support for server.xml file of Apache DS version 1.5.6
- DIRSTUDIO-641 - Integrate Apache DS version 1.5.6 in the Apache DS plugin
Apache Directory Studio 1.5.2 (December 14th 2009)
- DIRSTUDIO-601 - The ‘Perform Search/Search Again’ button in the Search Result Editor does not work correctly
- DIRSTUDIO-602 - Unable to start an Apache DS version 1.5.5 server
- DIRSTUDIO-603 - Error browsing/entering rfc2307 compliant host entry
- DIRSTUDIO-605 - Update the help content of the configuration editor for version 1.5.5 of Apache DS
Apache Directory Studio 1.5.1 (December 2nd 2009)
- DIRSTUDIO-576 - Context menu not shown after a right-click on a non-cached entry
- DIRSTUDIO-577 - LDIF editor doesn’t notify Eclipse that the LDIF file has changed when saving
- DIRSTUDIO-580 - Setting “Validate certificates for secure LDAP connections” is not saved
- DIRSTUDIO-587 - UI flickers on quick search
- DIRSTUDIO-589 - InvalidNameException: unexpected token for user ids starting with hash sign
- DIRSTUDIO-590 - The ‘Quick Search’ string has not been externalized in the LDAP Browser view
- DIRSTUDIO-591 - Error reading objects with # in DN
- DIRSTUDIO-592 - LDAP Browser view is refreshed twice after the initialization of the children of an entry
- DIRSTUDIO-593 - Missing string and typo in the french translation of the Password Editor
- DIRSTUDIO-594 - The ‘Show new password details’ checkbox does not display the ‘Enter new password’ text field as clear text when checked in the Password Editor
- DIRSTUDIO-596 - Various typos in the french translation
- DIRSTUDIO-597 - Modification sent to the server while browsing through the DIT and refreshing entries
- DIRSTUDIO-598 - Base64 encoded DN marked as invalid in LDIF editor
- DIRSTUDIO-595 - The icon of the entry in the ‘Outline’ view should be the same as the one in the ‘LDAP Browser’ view
Apache Directory Studio 1.5.0 (November 8th 2009)
- DIRSTUDIO-282 - Save failed: null, when adding an attribute to a class, if attribute is also open in gui
- DIRSTUDIO-331 - Instant error when importing schema in a new schema-project
- DIRSTUDIO-334 - Built-in help doesn’t show icons for “Icons” and “Toolbars” tables in “LDAP Browser View”
- DIRSTUDIO-370 - Welcome screen subpages mouse-over images displays red crosses
- DIRSTUDIO-402 - The ManageDsaIT control should be activable for a single request, not at the connection level
- DIRSTUDIO-403 - Cannot add refs when the ExtensibleObject OC has been added to a referral
- DIRSTUDIO-409 - No error message in some special case
- DIRSTUDIO-410 - Referral handling is problematic
- DIRSTUDIO-418 - Slow LDIF/CSV export
- DIRSTUDIO-429 - Meaningless error message on importing schema
- DIRSTUDIO-437 - Alias are not exposed as such in the browser
- DIRSTUDIO-441 - New ObjectClass and AttributeType wizards always show a warning indicating that the item does not have any name
- DIRSTUDIO-443 - The warning and error overlay for OCs and ATs sometimes (often) lacks forgets some items
- DIRSTUDIO-473 - Import OpenLDAP core schema
- DIRSTUDIO-481 - Improve refreshing of attributes and children
- DIRSTUDIO-483 - DN Editor escapes all non-ascii characters
- DIRSTUDIO-484 - Rename dialog does not work with escaped RDNs
- DIRSTUDIO-486 - Include Version Specifier in LDIF export
- DIRSTUDIO-488 - New context entry creation is not shown just after connection
- DIRSTUDIO-489 - LDIF Import very slow
- DIRSTUDIO-490 - Copy/Paste a search from one connection to another doesn’t work
- DIRSTUDIO-493 - Aliased attributes show only one attribute name in the RDN selection list instead of the full aliases list
- DIRSTUDIO-495 - Cannot edit password field
- DIRSTUDIO-497 - LdapSchema plugin ‘Save’ is erratic
- DIRSTUDIO-499 - SOCKS proxy settings not used on startup
- DIRSTUDIO-502 - Copy/Paste the context entry from one connection to another doesn’t work
- DIRSTUDIO-503 - New Entry -> Available object classes list remains stale after new objectclasses added
- DIRSTUDIO-504 - Timestamp attribute with an invalid time in it is read only - editor ignores entry
- DIRSTUDIO-506 - Export Schemas for ApacheDS: object classes must be sorted by hierarchy
- DIRSTUDIO-507 - Attempt to rename the rdn results in message contain {0} and {1}
- DIRSTUDIO-512 - Deletion of entries very slow
- DIRSTUDIO-514 - Unable to restore last opened ldif-editors on restart
- DIRSTUDIO-520 - NPE when saving a 1.5.0 server configuration
- DIRSTUDIO-524 - Operational attributes are not show, although enabled under preferences
- DIRSTUDIO-527 - Unable to display Active Directory GUIDs
- DIRSTUDIO-529 - Unpretty 2-3 pixels height margin at the top of the Browser view
- DIRSTUDIO-530 - Unpretty 2-3 pixels height margin at the top of the Entry editor
- DIRSTUDIO-531 - Unpretty 2-3 pixels height margin at the top of the Search Results editor
- DIRSTUDIO-532 - Refreshing parent of referral may give ConcurrentModificationException
- DIRSTUDIO-537 - Error in the title of the Properties window of a server in the Apache DS plugin
- DIRSTUDIO-545 - Widget disposed too early
- DIRSTUDIO-547 - Editor for Classes userClass saves or reloads incorrect value
- DIRSTUDIO-549 - subtree userClass editor does not keep full DN for base component upon its selection
- DIRSTUDIO-550 - Root DSE properties: Directory types IBM Tivoli Directory Server 6.1 and 6.2 not detected correctly
- DIRSTUDIO-552 - NullPointerException if Root DSE of IBM Tivoli Directory Server displayed in Entry Editor
- DIRSTUDIO-553 - Add descriptions for server specific OIDs of IBM Tivoli Directory Server 6.1 and 6.2
- DIRSTUDIO-557 - Edit value and edit entry are not working if DN is invalid
- DIRSTUDIO-565 - Inconsistent handling of the ‘modified schemas’ flag
- DIRSTUDIO-568 - When editing an AT or OC, using the scroll wheel may trigger a combo change
- DIRSTUDIO-569 - Exceptions showing up in the log when starting a server in the Apache DS plugin
- DIRSTUDIO-570 - Integer Value Editor does not accept negative numbers
- DIRSTUDIO-571 - Modification is logged even if referred to another directory server
- DIRSTUDIO-575 - Bookmarks not working
- DIRSTUDIO-145 - Multiple tabs for entry editor
- DIRSTUDIO-263 - Add certificate validation for ldaps and StartTLS
- DIRSTUDIO-371 - Entries with a ref attribute should be shown N times in the browser (N = number of ref values)
- DIRSTUDIO-444 - Allow the user to enter the names of an item inline (using ‘,’ as separator) in the OC and AT Editors
- DIRSTUDIO-485 - Provide default IAuthHandler and IReferralHandler to be used in connections core without connections ui
- DIRSTUDIO-487 - Empty namingcontexts causes javax.naming.InvalidNameException: Bad DN
- DIRSTUDIO-496 - Password editor improvements
- DIRSTUDIO-509 - Load schema from the directory server
- DIRSTUDIO-513 - Do delete before add when modifying attribute values
- DIRSTUDIO-521 - Replace the XSLT transformation by the use of the Dom4J OutputFormat class for XML pretty print
- DIRSTUDIO-533 - Only show referral handling dialog when opening or expanding referral entry
- DIRSTUDIO-534 - Re-order the preference pages for better understanding
- DIRSTUDIO-535 - Use SWT.SEARCH and SWT.CANCEL style bits on search text field for a native search field on Mac OS X
- DIRSTUDIO-541 - Add support for version 1.5.5 of the Apache DS
- DIRSTUDIO-548 - SubtreeSpecification Editor does not accept empty filter if it’s selected
- DIRSTUDIO-554 - Add option to save tabular entry editor automatically or manually
- DIRSTUDIO-555 - Human readable descriptions of OIDs in binary attributes preference page
- DIRSTUDIO-558 - Load special entries (aliases, referrals, subentries) per request, add menu items to browser’s context menu
- DIRSTUDIO-574 - Add ‘Cancel’ button to “Select copy strategy” (was Abort of copy/paste not possible)
New Feature
- DIRSTUDIO-62 - Add GSSAPI authentication - Cannot connect to Active Directory if not using Simple authentication
- DIRSTUDIO-434 - Add value editor for Active Directory objectGUID and objectSid attributes
- DIRSTUDIO-462 - Add Export to Open Document Format
- DIRSTUDIO-494 - Add value editor for certificates (syntax
- DIRSTUDIO-510 - Add functionality to copy/merge schema elements between schema projects
- DIRSTUDIO-515 - Add extensibility to Entry Editor
- DIRSTUDIO-536 - Add support for version 1.5.5 of the Apache DS server.xml configuration file
- DIRSTUDIO-556 - Add value editor for UUID
- DIRSTUDIO-562 - Add ‘Copy Display Value’ action, default copy action should copy displayed value
- DIRSTUDIO-479 - Object classes of an entry should always be present
- DIRSTUDIO-523 - Update Eclipse dependencies to version 3.5 Galileo
- DIRSTUDIO-525 - Remove support for the Linux PPC distribution
- DIRSTUDIO-573 - Update bundled Apache DS Schema files to version 1.5.5
- DIRSTUDIO-516 - Create a new Entry Editor extension point
- DIRSTUDIO-517 - Create a new single-window Entry Editor
- DIRSTUDIO-518 - Create a new multi-window Entry Editor
- DIRSTUDIO-519 - Create a new LDIF Entry Editor
- DIRSTUDIO-167 - Show custom icons for various kinds of schema elements while browsing schema data
Apache Directory Studio 1.4.0 (April 10th 2009)
- DIRSTUDIO-373 - Can’t delete a tagged attribute if the non tagged attribute belong to the DN
- DIRSTUDIO-395 - Problems with special chars (german Umlauts)
- DIRSTUDIO-396 - Custom LDAP attributes not shown in entry editor
- DIRSTUDIO-419 - Problems switching between connections
- DIRSTUDIO-420 - Unable to locate in DIT (f3)
- DIRSTUDIO-423 - Outline view does not respect the settings of the Entry Editor on displaying or not the operational attributes
- DIRSTUDIO-427 - Operational attributes turned on by itself
- DIRSTUDIO-430 - NullPointer exception when fetching children of a node
- DIRSTUDIO-436 - Eclipse Hangs on Startup
- DIRSTUDIO-440 - Multiple user permissions precedence issue
- DIRSTUDIO-442 - Typo in a warning of the New ObjectClass wizard (‘attribute type’ instead of ‘object class’)
- DIRSTUDIO-456 - Cannot create an entry with mandatory binary attribute
- DIRSTUDIO-457 - Unknown schema causes attributes to be treated as operational
- DIRSTUDIO-460 - Pressing ‘Enter’ in New Entry wizard should edit the attribute
- DIRSTUDIO-463 - Browsing the directory produce too many search requests
- DIRSTUDIO-465 - Context entry created from an LDIF import is not shown in the Browser view
- DIRSTUDIO-466 - Incorrect error message when importing a bad XML schema file
- DIRSTUDIO-468 - The LDIF parser does not correctly parse changes
- DIRSTUDIO-469 - Added wrong AttributeTypes can’t be deleted
- DIRSTUDIO-470 - Schema Browser view is not bring to front when using the ‘Open Schema Browser’ menu item while the view is already opened but not the frontmost view
- DIRSTUDIO-472 - SWTException (Widget is disposed) when disabling DIT Quick Search
- DIRSTUDIO-115 - Unable to edit operational attribute values
- DIRSTUDIO-150 - Improve error handling
- DIRSTUDIO-207 - Operationnal attributes cannot be shown entirely
- DIRSTUDIO-234 - Greyed out menu items should have a tool tip explaining why they’re greyed out
- DIRSTUDIO-241 - The “New Value” action (in the Entry Editor) should be disabled if the AT is defined as single valued
- DIRSTUDIO-411 - Select a new created folder in the connection view
- DIRSTUDIO-412 - Add expand all and collapse all actions to the connections view
- DIRSTUDIO-426 - Overwritten hashCode() method should not use super.hashCode()
- DIRSTUDIO-455 - Cannot copy/past an existing search
- DIRSTUDIO-477 - Update Eclipse dependencies to version 3.4.2
- DIRSTUDIO-478 - The ‘Exit’ menu item from the ‘File’ menu should be removed when running on Mac OS X
New Feature
- DIRSTUDIO-335 - DIT Quick Search
- DIRSTUDIO-397 - Request for multi-language GUI
- DIRSTUDIO-474 - Add a new GeneralizedTime Value Editor
- DIRSTUDIO-474 - Support for parentOfEntry userClass in ACI Editor
- DIRSTUDIO-451 - (I18n) Templates not I18ned in LdifEditor
- DIRSTUDIO-458 - (I18n) Bundle Eclipse language packs
- DIRSTUDIO-480 - Update copyright year in the splash screen to 2009
- DIRSTUDIO-439 - Ldif importer should be case-insensitive in the changeType attribute
Apache Directory Studio 1.3.0 (November 24th 2008)
- DIRSTUDIO-398 - Improve the DSML decorated classes by adding an empty constructor and linking the methods of the underlying ldapmessage
- DIRSTUDIO-260 - Unable to do a DSML Export from eDirectory
- DIRSTUDIO-291 - Adding of an objectclass requiring attributes not present to an entry in the ldap browser, modify operation fails
- DIRSTUDIO-293 - Values of attributes of the syntax ‘Generalized Time’ must have the g-time-zone ‘Z’ and minutes and seconds set to be interpreted and shown as a date instead of the raw value
- DIRSTUDIO-354 - Search window, paste problem
- DIRSTUDIO-355 - DSML Import and Export fail with “Internal Error: null”
- DIRSTUDIO-367 - Tree delete control should not be used automatically
- DIRSTUDIO-372 - NPE when using the LdifEntryEditorDialog w/o selecting a connection
- DIRSTUDIO-379 - Class NewEntryWizard not found, application doesn’t starts
- DIRSTUDIO-380 - Attribute and Entry property pages makes the dialog very tall
- DIRSTUDIO-382 - Unable to launch Apache Directory Server with Turkish Regional Settings
- DIRSTUDIO-386 - Can’t change 5-digit port number by typing
- DIRSTUDIO-389 - Back/Forward Navigation isn’t working
- DIRSTUDIO-394 - SASL Realms are not correctly saved in the 1.5.2 and 1.5.3 Apache DS Configuration Editor
- DIRSTUDIO-114 - Group container entries first in browser view
- DIRSTUDIO-116 - Expand all folds by default
- DIRSTUDIO-147 - Allow LDIF imports to overwrite existing entries
- DIRSTUDIO-182 - Use property file to designate ldap context factory etc. instead of hard code
- DIRSTUDIO-228 - Mask userPassword in the log view
- DIRSTUDIO-244 - Add selection for copy strategy if an entry to copy already exists
- DIRSTUDIO-255 - Run in background should be configurable so one could set it to true by default
- DIRSTUDIO-272 - Use the rat maven plugin with the -Prelease profile option to generate releases
- DIRSTUDIO-292 - Using the ’new entry’/‘use existing entry as template’ feature from the context menu of an entry, the parent dn is also copied from the template entry
- DIRSTUDIO-311 - Provide Goto DN dialog
- DIRSTUDIO-327 - Add support for Paged Results Control
- DIRSTUDIO-358 - Connections View can have an extension point for initial values
- DIRSTUDIO-363 - Browser View doesn’t accept menu additions thru viewerContribution extension point
- DIRSTUDIO-377 - Add value editor for OIDs
- DIRSTUDIO-378 - An attribute name containing an underscore ("_") is split in two when used in “Returning Attributes” field of the “Search” dialog
- DIRSTUDIO-383 - Make “Fetch subentries” setting configurable per connection, move from browser preferences to connection properties
- DIRSTUDIO-384 - Improve New Attribute Type, New Object Class and New Schema Wizards when no schema project is opened
- DIRSTUDIO-391 - Show default values directly
- DIRSTUDIO-393 - Add support for ApacheDS 1.5.4 server.xml file in the ApacheDS Configuration Editor
- DIRSTUDIO-405 - Update the Apache DS plugin to use Apache DS 1.5.4 dependencies
- DIRSTUDIO-406 - The New Server Wizard should be listed in the NewWizards section
- DIRSTUDIO-407 - Stack the Servers view aside the Connections view as a perpective extension of the LDAP Browser Perpective
- DIRSTUDIO-408 - In the NewEntryWizard, the first selected object class on the left side should be added if the Enter key is hit in the text field
New Feature
- DIRSTUDIO-85 - Add support for search dialog to include * and + for returnable attributes
- DIRSTUDIO-107 - Enable Select/Copy in Property page of RootDSE in order to copy and paste detected OIDs
- DIRSTUDIO-153 - Allow offline modifications of entries
- DIRSTUDIO-297 - Add a ‘save as’ for logs
- DIRSTUDIO-356 - Add a way to get the connection config as an URL
- DIRSTUDIO-385 - Add dialog to create a new context entry
- DIRSTUDIO-19 - Add Javadoc to LDAP Browser classes
- DIRSTUDIO-374 - Clean duplicated dependencies in plugins
- DIRSTUDIO-375 - Move each plugin IDs in a file
- DIRSTUDIO-376 - Move to the latest Eclipse 3.4 dependencies
Apache Directory Studio 1.2.0 (August 19th 2008)
- DIRSTUDIO-89 - Entry painted even though not created in server
- DIRSTUDIO-121 - Some property pages make the dialog very tall
- DIRSTUDIO-157 - Studio looses STRG-V over some time of use
- DIRSTUDIO-209 - Cannot expand attribute list
- DIRSTUDIO-266 - OpenLDAP schema files parser fails when DESC contains an empty string '’
- DIRSTUDIO-273 - Unable to get Base DNs on OID (Oracle Internet Directory)
- DIRSTUDIO-298 - NullPointerException raised when drag’n’dropping a connection to a folder (on Mac OS X only)
- DIRSTUDIO-315 - Choosing new value, in entry editor shows new entry when server error occures
- DIRSTUDIO-318 - Rename of multi-values RDN does not work when changing the second RDN
- DIRSTUDIO-319 - LDAP Browser creating new entry becomes empty and unusable in Windows Vista after certain actions
- DIRSTUDIO-323 - Studio fails to read ApacheDS server.xml
- DIRSTUDIO-325 - Keybinding conflicts occurred. They may interfere with normal accelerator operation.
- DIRSTUDIO-326 - Non-Operational attributes are marked as operational when bind to Siemens DirX 7.0
- DIRSTUDIO-330 - CoreException raised in editor when opening a *.txt file
- DIRSTUDIO-336 - Errors when parsing schema of some LDAP servers
- DIRSTUDIO-341 - Paste error
- DIRSTUDIO-342 - Relax the parser for the *.schema files
- DIRSTUDIO-343 - Referrals not handled.
- DIRSTUDIO-347 - Keybinding conflict for CTRL+Q
- DIRSTUDIO-349 - Unable to enter large values for uid
- DIRSTUDIO-350 - DS is not properly displaying case of group DN
- DIRSTUDIO-360 - cannot read attribute from items with a / in the dn
- DIRSTUDIO-364 - Installing in Eclipse fails
- DIRSTUDIO-365 - Can’t delete entry with studio 1.1.0. works with 1.0.1
- DIRSTUDIO-46 - Add connections import/export
- DIRSTUDIO-126 - Triple click to edit attribute
- DIRSTUDIO-295 - Add a console for errors
- DIRSTUDIO-329 - Replace internal URL class by shared-ldap LdapURL class
- DIRSTUDIO-337 - Add Save and Print actions in the toolbar of the RCP application
- DIRSTUDIO-361 - Auto-activate ‘show operational attributes’ when adding an operational attribute
New Feature
- DIRSTUDIO-321 - Need to be able to set SOCKS proxy in the RCP version
- DIRSTUDIO-328 - Search Logs View
- DIRSTUDIO-128 - Replace internal schema parser with the schema parser in shared-ldap.
- DIRSTUDIO-317 - Update legal files after moving to Apache Directory Shared LDAP version 0.9.9
- DIRSTUDIO-332 - Add support for 1.5.3, 1.5.2 and 1.5.0 server.xml configuration files
- DIRSTUDIO-338 - Update Eclipse dependencies to the latest Eclipse version (3.3.2)
- DIRSTUDIO-339 - Add the ‘org.eclipse.ui.carbon’ Eclipse plugin to the Mac OS X distribution
Apache Directory Studio 1.1.0 (April 8th 2008)
See changelog of Apache Directory Studio 1.1.0 RC and Apache Directory Studio 1.1.0 RC2
Apache Directory Studio 1.1.0 RC2 (March 4th 2008)
- DIRSTUDIO-286 - Update Site is not working, missing dependencies in ldifeditor, ldapbrower and schemaeditor feature
- DIRSTUDIO-285 - Export into LDIF format could be corrupted
- DIRSTUDIO-284 - Changing “Supported Authentication Mechanism” doesn’t set the dirty flag.
- DIRSTUDIO-281 - LDIF and Apache DS configuration files can’t be saved in RCP mode
- DIRSTUDIO-279 - Filter Editor doesn’t remove spaces and line breaks after OK
- DIRSTUDIO-270 - Copy and paste does not work when value being edited
- DIRSTUDIO-280 - Remove remaining unwanted contributions from Eclipse
Apache Directory Studio 1.1.0 RC (February 20th 2008)
- DIRSTUDIO-142 - Add SASL authentication
- DIRSTUDIO-48 - Errors when help is open
- DIRSTUDIO-95 - Not returning large queries
- DIRSTUDIO-120 - 100% CPU when deleting thousands of entries
- DIRSTUDIO-139 - Operational attributes not shown in the Entry Editor
- DIRSTUDIO-152 - New entry creator does not know that ‘dc’ and ‘domainComponent’ is the same thing
- DIRSTUDIO-154 - Studio getting slower and slower on bulk operations
- DIRSTUDIO-161 - Unable to enter Base DN ending in ‘dc=’
- DIRSTUDIO-166 - LDif Import changetype: modify add attribute attrId is not case insensitive
- DIRSTUDIO-184 - Error while reading entry in Active Directory
- DIRSTUDIO-191 - Connection Name mess up if it contains non-ascii chars
- DIRSTUDIO-196 - Error dialog displayed after Problems View is closed
- DIRSTUDIO-197 - Following referrals throws NPE
- DIRSTUDIO-198 - Search string is not working properly with metacharacters (*, +…)
- DIRSTUDIO-201 - Project Name mess up if it contains non-ascii chars
- DIRSTUDIO-203 - Help contexts of LDAP Browser does not display in the Dynamic Help window
- DIRSTUDIO-204 - Warning displayed when showing the properties of a connection
- DIRSTUDIO-205 - Windows installer’s publisher is set to “Unknown Publisher”
- DIRSTUDIO-206 - Browse does not work in subtree editor base selection
- DIRSTUDIO-210 - Filter parser accepts bad filters
- DIRSTUDIO-211 - Connections window doesn’t display swedish characters properly
- DIRSTUDIO-213 - NullPointerException raised when selecting an OC with no alias as a superior in the NewObjectClassWizard
- DIRSTUDIO-214 - IllegalArgumentException raised when selecting an AT with no alias as superior in the NewAttributeTypeWizard
- DIRSTUDIO-217 - Eclipse 3.3 New Connections shows “Browser Options” without possibility to add new address
- DIRSTUDIO-220 - lowercase {crypt} in userPassword is an “Unsupported Hash Method”
- DIRSTUDIO-222 - Pb when creating an entry with an invalid atribute as a RDN
- DIRSTUDIO-223 - NullPointerException raised when adding values in the New Entry Wizard
- DIRSTUDIO-224 - Can’t Open Schema View with JDK 6.0
- DIRSTUDIO-226 - Attribute Type Description is not imported when reading an OpenLDAP schema file
- DIRSTUDIO-230 - Locate Dn in DIT Action does not work well
- DIRSTUDIO-233 - Browsing base DN returns [LDAP: error code 10 - Referral)
- DIRSTUDIO-235 - Non ASCII characters are not rendered properly in the LDAP Browser View when label is limited to a certain number of characters
- DIRSTUDIO-239 - No error message when importing a bad schema
- DIRSTUDIO-242 - Inconsistent state of the Entry Editor after using “New Value” (or “New Attribute…”) and pressing “Escape”.
- DIRSTUDIO-243 - Modified value of Equality Matching Rule in the AttributeTypeEditor is not saved
- DIRSTUDIO-245 - Apache DS Configuration Plugin cannot parse server.xml file correctly
- DIRSTUDIO-247 - Don’t use implicit ManageDsaIT control magic of JNDI
- DIRSTUDIO-249 - Modification Logs view does not display request controls, if sent to the server
- DIRSTUDIO-250 - Unable to load entries if RDN is quoted and contains unescaped comma
- DIRSTUDIO-252 - Advanced value editors don’t work in NewEntryWizard
- DIRSTUDIO-253 - cant open server.xml with directory studio
- DIRSTUDIO-258 - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when changing Base DN
- DIRSTUDIO-259 - NPE when trying to turn back on “save password” on connection properties
- DIRSTUDIO-261 - LDAP Browser shows same root objects two times under Root DSE
- DIRSTUDIO-264 - ldif parser doesn’t accept attributes with empty values
- DIRSTUDIO-267 - Clicking on a bookmark loops and does not display attributes
- DIRSTUDIO-269 - Attributes not displayed when browsing BEA Weblogic embedded LDAP
- DIRSTUDIO-37 - Improve authentication methods and security mechanisms
- DIRSTUDIO-119 - Allow user to disabled the Modification logs windows
- DIRSTUDIO-123 - Refactor IConnection interface and Connection class
- DIRSTUDIO-136 - Remove the “Apache DS” menu from the Java Perspective
- DIRSTUDIO-138 - Add visual feedback to the user, if SSL (ldaps) is enabled
- DIRSTUDIO-156 - useability improvement: when exporting an OU use the applied filter by default
- DIRSTUDIO-187 - Add the ability to organize connections in folders
- DIRSTUDIO-189 - Replace connection combo-box with BrowserConnectionWidget
- DIRSTUDIO-195 - Add key bindings to the Schema Editor
- DIRSTUDIO-199 - Add scopes for OC and AT in search
- DIRSTUDIO-200 - Add an OC and AT hierarchical global view
- DIRSTUDIO-202 - Add help contexts to the help plugin of the Schema Editor
- DIRSTUDIO-216 - Improve Type Hierarchy View
- DIRSTUDIO-221 - Improve Object Class selection in the New Entry Wizard
- DIRSTUDIO-227 - Add the ability to select OpenLDAP schema files as core schemas when creating a project
- DIRSTUDIO-237 - It would be good to be able to import ‘core’ schemas into an existing project
- DIRSTUDIO-238 - Automatically add an alias when the ‘ok’ button is selected
- DIRSTUDIO-240 - Memorize the last import’s path
- DIRSTUDIO-251 - Replace the Text Widget for the OID in the new AT and OC wizards by a Drop-Down Combo with history of the last used OIDs
- DIRSTUDIO-254 - schema import does not provide error reporting when parsing schema file
- DIRSTUDIO-257 - Use system small fonts on Mac OS X
- DIRSTUDIO-275 - Import/Export wizards should display an error if no Schema Project is open
New Feature
- DIRSTUDIO-192 - Add an extension point in the Schema Editor for SchemaConnectors
- DIRSTUDIO-193 - Add the abitilty to import/export the Schema from/to a directory Server
- DIRSTUDIO-194 - Add a SchemaConnector for Apache Directory Server
- DIRSTUDIO-246 - Add support for simulated renaming of non-leaf entries
- DIRSTUDIO-248 - Add support for simulated moving of non-leaf entries
- DIRSTUDIO-218 - Some packages are not signed
- DIRSTUDIO-225 - Update documentation for Schema Editor Plugin
- DIRSTUDIO-229 - Replace internal DN/RDN/RDNPart with LdapDN/Rdn/ATAV of shared-ldap
- DIRSTUDIO-236 - Update the Apache DS Configuration plugin to work with the server.xml file of Apache DS 1.5.1
- DIRSTUDIO-265 - Migrate our build system from Ant+Ivy to Maven
Apache Directory Studio 1.0.1 (September 18th 2007)
- DIRSTUDIO-162 - Delete old RDN on rename has no effect
- DIRSTUDIO-180 - Connection wizard and properties tabs are out of order
- DIRSTUDIO-183 - It’s not possible to select a Connection in a New Search
- DIRSTUDIO-186 - When copying an entry it isn’t displayed correctly in the browser tree
- DIRSTUDIO-190 - SSL connections are no longer working
- DIRSTUDIO-185 - Provide completion for all attribute types in the attribute wizard
- DIRSTUDIO-181 - Update the documentation of the Schema Editor Plugin
- DIRSTUDIO-188 - Move LDIF Editor help to its own help plugin
Apache Directory Studio 1.0.0 (September 4th 2007)
- DIRSTUDIO-131 - Rename package names and plugin IDs for ldap browser plugins and features
- DIRSTUDIO-140 - Add Eclipse Intro mecanism to the Apache Directory Studio RCP plugin
- DIRSTUDIO-141 - Add content to Apache Directory Studio Intro
- DIRSTUDIO-177 - Update dependencies on Apache DS jars
- DIRSTUDIO-73 - Password appears in clear
- DIRSTUDIO-96 - installation into existing Eclipse ruins key bindings for JDT
- DIRSTUDIO-101 - Configuration lost on brutal exit
- DIRSTUDIO-110 - No DIT shown when opening a connection with the ‘open’ icon
- DIRSTUDIO-117 - Double click attribute to rename entry displays two dialog boxes
- DIRSTUDIO-127 - Missing ASL 2.0 headers in files for ACIEditor
- DIRSTUDIO-149 - Problems with the slash / in DN
- DIRSTUDIO-168 - NPE when opening search dialog and connection is closed
- DIRSTUDIO-172 - Syntax length definitions in schemas exported from LDAP Studio throws exception on Apache DS start-up.
- DIRSTUDIO-47 - Improve filter widget and filter editor dialog
- DIRSTUDIO-67 - Clear “Modification Logs” functionality missing
- DIRSTUDIO-75 - Improve LDAP Studio build system
- DIRSTUDIO-93 - Add server detection for ApacheDS and TivoliDS on RootDSE property page
- DIRSTUDIO-99 - Display both OID and text for controls etc. in the property page of the Root DSE
- DIRSTUDIO-102 - Add descriptions for OIDs for LDAP controls and extended ops specific to IBM Tivoli Directory Server
- DIRSTUDIO-103 - Include Apache brand in splash screen of RCP application
- DIRSTUDIO-104 - Add “Apache” prefix to window title of RCP Application
- DIRSTUDIO-105 - Add descriptions for OIDs for LDAP controls and extended ops specific to Netscape Directory Server
- DIRSTUDIO-106 - Add descriptions for OIDs for LDAP controls and extended ops specific to MS Active Directory
- DIRSTUDIO-108 - Superlasses
- DIRSTUDIO-122 - Schema editor should allow a user to add an OID in the Syntax input box
- DIRSTUDIO-125 - Bootstrap Ivy
- DIRSTUDIO-151 - Simplify IValueEditor interface
- DIRSTUDIO-158 - Create a separte connection plugin
- DIRSTUDIO-165 - Add the version number of Apache Directory Studio in the “About window” of the RCP application
- DIRSTUDIO-169 - Make connection parameters editable even if the connection is opened
- DIRSTUDIO-174 - Use an unique ID as connection identifier instead of the connection name
New Feature
- DIRSTUDIO-90 - Add a Welcome view that is displayed at first launch
- DIRSTUDIO-113 - Rename “LDAP Studio” to “Apache Directory Studio”
- DIRSTUDIO-129 - Rename project names in trunk
- DIRSTUDIO-130 - Rename package names and plugin IDs
- DIRSTUDIO-159 - Create a separte feature project for the LDIF Editor
- DIRSTUDIO-175 - Verify and add if needed the Notice.txt and Licence.txt files of all plugins
- DIRSTUDIO-176 - Edit Release Notes.txt files for the 1.0 release
- DIRSTUDIO-178 - Edit features and update site with the new update site URL
- DIRSTUDIO-100 - Interface IRootDSE does not sufficiently define return values of methods
Apache LDAP Studio 0.8.1 (July 24th 2007)
- DIRSTUDIO-80 - LDAP Studio does not work on x86_64
- DIRSTUDIO-144 - Unable to install plugins from updatesite on x86_64 architecture
Apache LDAP Studio 0.8.0 (May 4th 2007)
- DIRSTUDIO-71 - LDAP Studio installer creates bad shortcuts
- DIRSTUDIO-74 - empty DN does not work
- DIRSTUDIO-82 - Export to XLS or CSV
- DIRSTUDIO-83 - Generated LDIF of a schema doesn’t support the m-dependencies attribute
- DIRSTUDIO-84 - Binding with a bad DN is accepted
- DIRSTUDIO-86 - No way to specify search on rootDSE in search dialog
- DIRSTUDIO-88 - Schema export to Apache DS has a spelling error which causes the import to fail.
- DIRSTUDIO-78 - Refactor browser-ui plugin
New Feature
- DIRSTUDIO-12 - Editor for editing ACIs
- DIRSTUDIO-76 - Value editor for administrativeRole
- DIRSTUDIO-79 - Value editor for subtreeSpecification
- DIRSTUDIO-91 - Add a new plugin for handling the Apache DS server configuration file
Apache LDAP Studio 0.7.0 (April 6th 2007)
- DIRSTUDIO-1 - DSML Parser does not throw an exception when it doesn’t find a requestID attribute when processing=parallel and responseOrder=unordered
- DIRSTUDIO-4 - Selection in Schema
- DIRSTUDIO-31 - Source Code View of a schema is not refreshed when one of its objectclasses or attributetypes is updated.
- DIRSTUDIO-57 - Search Result editor isn’t initialized properly
- DIRSTUDIO-63 - Should not package ui-forms in
- DIRSTUDIO-64 - Unable to modify an Attribute Type’s OID
- DIRSTUDIO-69 - Problems with search base and DN serialization
- DIRSTUDIO-33 - Add syntax coloring to the Source Code view of AT, OC & Schema editors
- DIRSTUDIO-35 - Disable action icons of the Schemas view when actions are not available
- DIRSTUDIO-39 - Allow the user to switch between ‘Standard schemas files’ and ‘Use specific schemas files’ without having to relaunch the application.
- DIRSTUDIO-40 - Source Code view of an AT or OC should reflect the changes made in the graphical editor
- DIRSTUDIO-44 - Add small hover icon identifiers for OC and AC to differenciate them
- DIRSTUDIO-49 - Improve history navigation
- DIRSTUDIO-51 - Add a way to get the OC which use an AT
- DIRSTUDIO-52 - may and must ATs are not sorted
- DIRSTUDIO-53 - Bad search incon in the Schema perspective
- DIRSTUDIO-55 - Adding ‘instant search’ into entry creation
- DIRSTUDIO-56 - Automatic completion of inherited OC
- DIRSTUDIO-58 - Improve the Hierarchy View
- DIRSTUDIO-59 - Add a Schema Field in the AT/OC editors
- DIRSTUDIO-61 - Pressing the down key in the search field of the Search View should pass the focus to the search results table
- DIRSTUDIO-66 - Refresh of the LDAP Browser viewer after import
New Feature
- DIRSTUDIO-41 - Add an Overview page on the Schema Editor that displays all ATs and OCs of the schema
Apache LDAP Studio 0.6.0 (February 13th 2007)
Initial Release.